Fiction four: producing new sights from existing images by changing and rendering the variations of their color-palette

Under construction

Besides 1,2,4,8 bit color depth there are image formats allowing 16, 24 or 32 bits for storing the individual pixel-colors. Using 16 bit color depth we can use 65536 colors in the image, 24 bit color depth means 16777216 colors, and on 32 bits we can use 4294967296 variations of colors. The human eye - and possibly the brain, interpreting the projection sensed by the retina - has the physiological limit of distinguishing maximum 8-10 millions of individual colors. This means that using 24 or 32 bit color depth we achieve an ideal display, despite of that the variations of colors is still finite.

By returning to the more conceivable dimensions it worth to consider the system of 8 bit color depth. In this case each member of the two dimensional number-matrix describing the pixels colors is referring to a "slot" in the palette of the image, containing 256 colors. This system of using a palette (which is the same in case of any smaller color-depth tha 24 bits, usually referred as "indexed color") means that the data-matrix corresponding to the pixels and the palette-entries determine the spectacle together. This makes it possible to take the pixel-values of an existing image and by rendering the possible variations of the palette-entries we can achieve new sights.

gy1[Animation1] gy1[Animation2]

The colors of the palette used in images with 8 bit color depth - similarly to the analog video-technology - can be specified by defining their red, green and blue components. Each palette entry contain three 8 bit number (for red, green and blue), meaning that each of the red, green and blue components can vary from 0 to 255. This means that all together 256 on the power of 16777216 variations of the palette-colors are possible. By considering from one side that to reach this number of variations in sight not bigger than an 8x8 pixels image is needed, and the fact that this number of variations is far beyond in order of magnitude to the number of distinguishable colors for the human eye, it seems reasonable that this way it is possible to produce all the perceivable spectacles for the human eye. The programs I wrote for experimentation are modifying the individual components of the palette entries separatly to make the metamorphosys of existing images to new sights clearly visible.